Saturday, March 27, 2010

Painting My Past

Photos Take at China. I really enjoyed exploring this sim. The painted look of it all was just so striking.

Outfit Credits:

Hair - Truth
Eyes - My Own (Basis Eyes)
Skin - My Own (Definitely a W.I.P.)
Shape - My Own
Jacket - Grasp
Shirt - .:Hermony:.
Pants - [N] / Hannah Bohannes
Boots - [N] / Hannah Bohannes

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lackey of the Hand

I love these boots, and while browsing SLX and buying random trinkets for my friends I came across Hannah Bohannes' products as I usually do to oogle at them and finally decided to become unlazy and visit that beautifully done shop of hers and get myself some things. I love how the shirts are not sorted in style but in colours. That little touch of difference just adds so much to a layout of the store.

Photos taken at Minute Papillon. Prettily vast and such lovely darkened brown hues.

Outfit Credits:

Hair - Truth
Eyes - My Own (Lace Eyes)
Skin - My Own (Definitely a W.I.P.)
Shape - My Own
Shirt - Whippet & Buck
Pants - [N] / Hannah Bohannes
Boots - [NCplus]

Luckless - Lace Eyes

New eyes for the taking at Luckless. Sixty lindens for the four colours.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Luckless - Armwarmers. \o/

Little armwarmers I made for myself a long while ago. I recoloured them and they're avaliable for 40 lindens per colour or 80 for the lot of them at Luckless.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Luckless The Store

I decided that I'm going to attempt selling my creations. The store will be originally called Luckless. Fancy that. And for your viewing, I have those eyes I mentioned before.

100 lindens for six colours. Fair enough, right? Luckless is located on my friends' newly half finished sim Sycophantism. Play nice.

On a Whim

Photos taken at Woods of Whimsy. Woods of Whimsy is a superbly beautiful sim. Mystical and all. I recommend it for those who love both nature and history.

I love my new feet From SLink, I know they're not new, but I just bought them yesterday while my friend was buying bare feet for her wedding. (She's embracing her inner hippy.) I Also ADORE the Brit hair from Truth, again not very new but OH MY GOD I'm never taking it off. <3

Outfit Credits:

Hair - Truth
Eyes - My Own
Skin - My Own (Definitely a W.I.P.)
Shape - My Own
Shirt - :S:ycophancy
Sweater around waist - :SEY
Capris - :SEY
Feet - SLink <3

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hump Jumpin'

My frand Fandare and I decided to take some pictures before he had to go to bed. We had le fun. And he's hot even though he thinks my avatar is ugly. At least he's honest. Still working on my skins. Made some eyes now too. I'm having fun making things. I'm not a great artist but I certainly enjoy creating my own things. Maybe I'll get into it some more.

Photos taken at Tableau. I love Tableau. It is full of wonderful shops and is a great place to just explore and take pictures.

Lucifer's Outfit:

Hair - Fri.Day
Eyes - My Own
Skin - My Own (Definitely a W.I.P.)
Shape - My Own
Sweater - :S:ycophancy
Shirt - Aoharu
Pants - +Grasp+
Shoes - Ressurection

Fandare's Outfit:

Hair - Truth
Eyes - :S:ycophancy
Skin - Dendou
Shape - His Own
Sweater & Vest - Aoharu
Gloves - DeeTalez
Shoes - Ressurection
Facial Piercings - []kOwP[]
Ears - Aitui

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Drab Day

Haven't been around for a long while. Meh. I decided to make myself a skin since I'm particular. Sucks to my half assed skills. Oh well at least I have sexy eyebrows.

Photos taken at AM Radio. Beautiful calming place, even with the prairie fire.

Outfit Credits:

Hair - Fri.Day
Eyes - Hermony
Skin - My Own (Definitely a W.I.P.)
Shape - My Own
Sweater - Action
Gloves - I made 'em
Shoes - Ducknipple
Scarf - Buried